Our mission is to respect the local community, the environment and culture.
Corporate Responsibility is an integral part of the AVE philosophy and the group is active in this field. In this context, actions are constantly implemented with the aim of respecting people, the local community, the environment and culture.
Αctions aimed at respecting people, the
local community, the environment and culture

At the side of hundreds of children
Since its inception, AVE has stood by the side of hundreds of children from vulnerable groups providing fun and the few hours of carelessness they so desperately need.
Social contribution
The social contribution is a fundamental principle of the group, seeking the support of vulnerable social groups as well as the work of important NGOs.

Social contribution
Η κοινωνική συνεισφορά αποτελεί θεμελιώδη αρχή του ομίλου, επιδιώκοντας την στήριξη ευαίσθητων κοινωνικών ομάδων καθώς και το έργο σημαντικών ΜΚΟ.

Environmental awareness
In the context of ecological and environmental sensitivity, the Group maintains and maintains a large percentage of greenery, with many trees and plants that offer fresh air and a healthy environment to visitors.
Enhancing recycling
At the same time, AVE encourages recycling, having placed in the special blue bins environmental messages in order to inform and raise awareness of visitors and especially children.

Enhancing recycling
At the same time, AVE encourages recycling, having placed in the special blue bins environmental messages in order to inform and raise awareness of visitors and especially children.

Close to the values of sports
Practices are adopted and actions are implemented on a regular basis, provided free of charge to visitors, through which young and old come close to the values of sports, tradition and culture through play, fun and interaction.
From the beginning of the group's operation, it is estimated that more than 15,000 children and
attendants have been welcomed at its facilities, while contributing to their difficult task: